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    [ · Скачать удаленно () ] 27.07.2010, 21:22
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    Категория: Закуски | Добавил: Батерфляй
    Просмотров: 1083 | Загрузок: 367 | Комментарии: 5
    Всего комментариев: 3
    1 Lierieplaigma  
    Good evening!
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    Much thanks to ChinaLoveMatch (CLM) for introducing such a special Chinese woman in my life... (in a busy Chinese restaurant) I presented Aishan with a diamond ring and asked her to be my wife. She said yes and I was the luckiest man in the room that night!
    As time passed and the relationships progressed, these "soldiers" would ask for money purportedly to buy a satellite phone so the "couple" could talk or to pay for a visit to the unsuspecting paramour. The scammers sent photos and forged military documents to bolster their cases, according to authorities.

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